Friday, August 24, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

So.....I had really good intentions of blogging this summer and that didn't happen.  Now that I'm back at school and I have less free time, maybe I'll start posting more often. ;)

Let's start with something easy: My Current Favorites

Day of the Week: Saturday - sleeping in!

Thing at Work: checking things off the to-do list (before I add 10 more things)

Pizza: Double Dave's Chicken Bacon Ranch w/o bacon

Thing at Home: getting things in the mail, like an early birthday present!

Song Stuck in My Head: Home by Phillip Phillips (bonus - it makes me feel like I'm watching  the Olympics again)

Website:  Try to read it without laughing so hard that you cry...

Purchase for this Year: Mr. Potato Head - to use as a class reward

Well, that's a good start.  Hopefully I'll be back soon!