LOST was one of the few shows that I watched from beginning to end. (The only other two I can think of are Felicity and Home Improvement.) My experience with LOST began in the fall of 2005. We would wrap up Wednesday night devo no later than 8:15, shush the talkers, and become absorbed in this mysterious other world. It was really about the community experience. We would share theories, connections, and the lastest news from the internet. I became so addicted that I rented and watched all of season one over Christmas break.
Then things changed. LOST moved from Wednesday nights. Life got busy. Thankfully Hulu came along and I was able to catch up on shows that I missed, but the experience just wasn't the same. In the end, I was caught up in the joy of the reunion and honestly didn't care about the unanswered questions. Someday I'll watch it all again just to catch some more of the little tidbits that I missed the first time around.
What can fill the LOST void? Well...nothing, but here are some shows I recommend:
It's CSI without the gore, more interesting science, and great characters. Plus David Boreanaz.
Why you should watch it: Did I mention David Boreanaz? It's also witty and interesting.
Status: Season 5 just ended. I've only seen some of seasons 1-3, so I plan to catch up this summer.
The best fake detective show ever. Every episode makes me laugh out loud.
Why you should watch it: James Roday is hilarious. USA isn't kidding with their "characters welcome" slogan. This show truly brings out the best of the craziest characters.
Status: Season 5 starts July 14th. Set your DVRs now!
A delightful show for music geeks and anyone who secretly enjoys teenage soap operas. (I might have watched the first 13 episodes in one day.)
Why you should watch it: Again with the characters - Rachel Berry, Sue Sylvester, Emma Pillsbury, Brittany - each quirky one pulls the whole show together. And the singing is awesome.
Status: Two shows left in season one. :(
The Bachelorette
Let it be known that I am not proud of this weakness...and that I don't even care for Ali. I guess I am a sucker for hyped up drama in a "reality" setting.
Why you should watch it: You should only watch it if you plan to read Lincee Ray's comments on ihategreenbeans.com. Lincee is not afraid to say what she really thinks (and what you were probably thinking too.)
Status: Just started the new season
I'll probably also tune in to the summer seasons of Royal Pains and Burn Notice (both start June 3.) Did I mention that I like the shows on USA?
What do you like to watch? Am I missing out on any awesome shows this summer?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Every teacher reaches that time of year when they know it is in the best interest of everyone that things wrap up quickly and smoothly.
I know you think that kids are the ones that most need a break. This is not true. Young children recharge over a weekend...and sometimes overnight, but adults need a considerably longer amount of time away from the source of the "issue" in order to completely recover.
Top Ten Signs It's Time for Summer Break:
10. I can't remember the last time I brought home work to grade
9. I've stopped buying lunch stuff and just take whatever happens to be on top in the pantry
8. The dust on top of the pass along box of student files is almost 1/4 inch
7. All of the student headphones in my room are broken...ALL of them
6. I'm overcome with the itch to take down all of my bulletin boards
5. The desks in my room take on crazy configurations (none of the normal group stuff)
4. I'm giving up precious weekend/socializing time to take pack up my classroom
3. I didn't bother to get folders/school supplies for my new student (what's the point?)
2. DRA tests are finished!
1. I missed 3 days last week, two mornings this week and I'm still considering the need for a personal day between now and the end of the year :)
By the way, there's only 8 1/2 days left! The end is in sight!
I know you think that kids are the ones that most need a break. This is not true. Young children recharge over a weekend...and sometimes overnight, but adults need a considerably longer amount of time away from the source of the "issue" in order to completely recover.
Top Ten Signs It's Time for Summer Break:
10. I can't remember the last time I brought home work to grade
9. I've stopped buying lunch stuff and just take whatever happens to be on top in the pantry
8. The dust on top of the pass along box of student files is almost 1/4 inch
7. All of the student headphones in my room are broken...ALL of them
6. I'm overcome with the itch to take down all of my bulletin boards
5. The desks in my room take on crazy configurations (none of the normal group stuff)
4. I'm giving up precious weekend/socializing time to take pack up my classroom
3. I didn't bother to get folders/school supplies for my new student (what's the point?)
2. DRA tests are finished!
1. I missed 3 days last week, two mornings this week and I'm still considering the need for a personal day between now and the end of the year :)
By the way, there's only 8 1/2 days left! The end is in sight!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Strawberry Pickin'
Laura, Kellsey, and I decided to add some adventure to our Saturday afternoon. We headed out to Sweet Berry Farm in search of some Red, Ripe Strawberries (without the Big Hungry Bear). 

It was worth trip to Marble Falls. It wasn't too crowded, we found more than enough strawberries, and we even got to feed some baby goats. Plus they had amazing homemade strawberry ice cream and strawberry lemonade.
We saw lots of marble, but thought we would further investigate the "falls" part of the city. We found a lake, a dam, and a "fishing" area that would be the perfect setting for a horror movie. To top it all off, when we stopped to take wildflower pictures by the land mine warning sign we found what we hope is an animal skeleton. (Check out the rest of my pictures on facebook!)
We took that as our cue to head on out of town. The route back just happened to take us by 183A and 1431, so I introduced the girls to Nothing Bundt Cakes.
My berries are all sliced, in the freezer, and ready for me to make a strawberry cake. We're planning to go back to pick blackberries at the end of May. Anyone want to join us?
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