Monday, June 28, 2010


I knew before the school year ended that this would not be a long, relaxing summer. After a quick weekend trip to Colorado, I jumped right in to teaching summer school. Fortunately, summer school ends this week. Unfortunately, I only have 2 1/2 weeks of summer free time left to soak up.

I have managed to squeeze in a few of my favorite summer activities:
- snow cones, usually watermelon with cream
- pool time (with my SPF 50)
- afternoon naps
- lots of reading

And have some new experiences:
- picking strawberries and blackberries in Marble Falls
- Blues on the Green at Zilker Park
- Austin Farmer's Market

But there's a lot left to do:
- go to Peru!!!
- pack and finish all the preparations for Peru
- see Eclipse at midnight (tomorrow!)
- get a library card
- spend more time at the pool
- eat more snow cones
- take some classes
- go to Michigan
- pick blueberries
- go to Six Flags (How have I not used my season pass yet?)

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