"Uno dulce de leche churro, por favor." That's the extent of Spanish that I need in order to survive in Peru. There is nothing as delicious as a churro from that yummy little bakery around the corner from our hotel after a long day of corralling kiddos.
My New Tennis ShoesAren't they cute? Keep an eye out for these guys in Machu Picchu pictures. That is if I can get them broken in before then. Right now they're just rubbing some nice blisters on my heels.
Machu Picchu
Welcome to one of the new seven wonders of the world. It's nearly impossible to take a picture that is not postcard worthy. This year I'll be headed up the mountain with Mom and Dad. I can't wait to introduce them to the fascinating ruins and the great little shopping village at the base of the mountain.
Miguel Miguel began the orphanage many years ago when he invited some street boys home to live with his family. He calls it "the community" and all of the children are a part of his family. Although he appears calm and laid-back, he is a fierce protector of the kids and he works diligently to meet their needs. Miguel is more like Jesus than any person I've ever encountered.
These Sweet Faces
All of the hard work and time we've put into planning and packing is worth it the moment we see these sweet kiddos. I can't wait to see all my little boys again. They are so precious and full of life! I pray that we can be a blessing to Miguel and all of the community's children.
One week to go! I can't wait to be back in Peru again.
I think you should bring me back a churro...por favor!